Tag Archives: research
By Grotesque Idols On 2015/01/24

Not the public engagement that you SHOULD do, rather what you CAN do without much added effort.
By Grotesque Idols On 2015/01/08

Dear students: academics work for free. A lot. More than anyone tells you.
By Grotesque Idols On 2014/09/30

As some of you know I am on a 3 year post doc. I am one month into year 3….
By Grotesque Idols On 2014/06/01

I have just participated in a workshop entitled Doing Fieldwork in Latin America at the University of Glasgow. I was…
By Grotesque Idols On 2013/07/27

Yesterday I participated in the Day of Archaeology. I and several hundred others like me wrote about what our life…
By Grotesque Idols On 2013/06/07

From Plunder to Preservation Britain and the Heritage of Empire, c.1800-1940, Edited by Astrid Swenson and Peter Mandler, ”takes a novel…
By Grotesque Idols On 2012/06/17

Although I don’t particularly like this blog to swing into the personal, I have been told by a person wiser…