Hot off the presses…several months ago, and otherwise respectable. This volume that I co-edited is a collection of papers focusing on personal perception and the practice of archaeology; how we archaeologist invent and reinvent aspects of our discipline. Cannibals, fake pyramids, Mel Gibson, and Peter Pan, we’ve got it all. In all honesty, it is a good read.
Yours here for only £9 (not including postage):
For reference, a list of contributions:
Where is Reflexive Map-Making in Archaeological Research? Towards a Place-Based Approach
James Flexner
Evaluation of a Reflexive Attempt: The Citytunnel Project in Retrospect
Åsa Berggren
Beyond the Viewing Platform: Excavations and Audiences
Gabriel Moshenska
Contextualising Alternative Archaeology: Socio-Politics and Approaches
Tera C. Pruitt
Royal Jelling: Danish National Heritage Reinvented
Mette Bjerrum Jensen
Digital Simulation, Mediating Agents and the Implied Historical Object: Towards an Understanding of Mediaeval Jewellery Objects
David Humphrey
Sights of Invention: Deconstructing Depictions of the Earliest Colonisations of Australia and Oceania in the Academic Archaeological Literature
Sara Perry
Adding a Literary Bent to Historical Archaeology
Laurie A. Wilkie
Twenty-First-Century Reinventions of Alexander, Xerxes and Jaguar Paw: A Critique of Apocalypto and Popular Media Depictions of the Past
Traci Ardren
Science and the Epistemology of Culture: How We Know What We ‘Know’ About Human Burials in Chaco Canyon
Kerriann Marden
Text, Narrative, Evidence: Travel Writings and Archaeological Perspectives of Amazonia
Anna T. Browne Ribeiro
Reinventing an Old Discourse: Neolithic Cultural Similarity Across Eurasia
David Steel